Wednesday 12 September 2012

xtreme fat loss diet - 18 foods that help in weight loss

We already wrote about the secrets of weight loss in the articles; Lose a little before summer, first part and part 2 . Also, we wrote how to spend the calories because it is the only way to lose weight and can - to spend more physically active than the food enters. Now is your turn to cross and advice related to food.

No one diet does not guarantee long-lasting slimness, and cravings for sweets and wishes do not disappear even with the greatest effort. Food or foods that you suggest to have a positive effect on weight loss or maintaining weight, so it should eat it more often.

Best green algae as a side vegetable. They contain vitamins C and B, and fiber that give a feeling of satiety. Body with the iodine that is directly charged with calories. Vitamin B plays an important role in metabolism.


In addition to vitamin C , contain easily digestible carbohydrates and pectin, which improves digestion and helps lower cholesterol levels. Read more about apples here .

Bitter melon

Today it is mainly used for the treatment of diabetes. According to research in the body triggers the secretion of a hormone that is produced in adipose tissue and that, together with other hormones affect the regulation of hunger and satiety.


Body largely independently produces as much choline should, in addition, are entered by eating eggs and soy. It is among the substances that break down fats, thus accelerating the process of weight loss.


One of the most important trace elements that the body would be well supplied regularly. Chromium deficiency impairs glucose utilization.

Amino Acids

Tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, lysine, valine, threonine, methionine and isoleucine are essential amino acids that the body with food. Are contained in fish (especially tuna), nuts, meat, rice, beans, milk, eggs and potatoes.


Melting fat, and the greatest effect is achieved with the consumption of grapefruit that has not yet fully matured. Leads to better circulation, and plays an important role in reducing body weight.


HCA (hydroxy citric acid) has a chemical structure similar to citric acid. Reduces appetite, especially cravings for sweet or professional vocabulary - reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into fat by inhibiting enzymatic processes. Sold in capsule form.


Root fresh ginger contains essential oils. Similar to the chilli because "hot" body, increases the production of saliva, digestive juices and bile and thus has a positive effect on the entire digestive system.

At 100 grams currants hiding 36 grams of vitamin C and only 24 calories. In addition, currant contains magnesium, potassium, and iron, and eating gives a feeling of fullness and contributes to weight loss.


Calcium is important for bone and is responsible for the activation of enzymes and hormones, which creates balance in the body. Research shows the following: with 1000 milligrams of calcium a body weight of subjects decreased by 0.4 pounds without that there has been another change in diet.


It stimulates the central nervous system and increases fat burning. In fact, fat is broken down with the help of caffeine and become a source of energy to the body without being deposited.


It is involved in more than 300 processes in the body, among other things, plays a major role in cell division. A sufficient amount of magnesium ensures optimal fat burning. Excellent sources of magnesium are cereals, potatoes, vegetables, milk, fish, bananas and oranges.

Low glycemic index

The glycemic index is a measure that indicates the speed and intensity of the increase in blood glucose levels after eating certain foods. What is the higher, the higher sugar levels and secreted more insulin, which slows down fat burning. Low glycolic index have nuts, fruits and vegetables, and extremely high white flour products.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The most important unsaturated fatty acid that is found mostly in animal foods (salmon, herring, tuna). They are important for disease prevention and transport "bad" fat from the cells to the liver. Among other things, lowered the level of total fat in the blood. More on Omega-3 fatty acids, read here .


Peppers are rich in vitamin C, which stimulate burning of fat in the cells, strengthen the immune system and accelerate the passage of harmful substances through the body. They also have a lot of vitamin E, which strengthens the defense mechanism of the body.

pearly penile papules removal - The real way to a larger penis

If you want a reliable way to get more maturity after trying so much garbage, then you've come to the right place. If you're like me, you've probably tried every method and products in the book and none of them worked. I was trying to make my penis grow by 2 long long years, and was so ill that taken for a fool all the dodgy Internet companies out there. But if this sounds like you,do not worry, because there really is hope. I'm about to say it in a way that finally worked for me and everything you need to follow two simple steps.
So, what are the 2 steps?

The first step is to actually start preparing your body for growth. This is very important because without this preparation stage seriously limit your chances for success. The science behind this step is easy once you get your head around it - you're trying to get your body back to the same internal state as when you were going through puberty. 

Do you remember how you experienced growth (particularly masculinity) through puberty? Well the reason for that is all biochemicals that are in your body, such as high levels of testosterone and other growth hormones. The first step in a larger pack refill all these chemicals and start your body back into growth. It also helps to drink a lot of water around that time too, because it speeds up the whole process.

Step two is all about exercise. This is also very important and need to be sure that they performed every day in order to ensure success. The exercises are necessary because they get all of their biochemical nutrition in the area that the most important - his cock. To them in his grip, you are helping to promote growth.

Following a natural enhancement program really works, because it actually uses science to explain how to get growth. Once you start, you'll need to get 2 to 4 inches in a few weeks, and I guarantee you will never use another method again.

In order to increase his size Lee became a fan of male enhancement industry turned its focus to helping other guys with natural enlargement as it is the best way to enlarge your manhood safely.

vision without glasses - custom prescription eyeglasses

Many people who begin to experience vision problems consider picking up a pair of reading glasses from your local pharmacy, instead of (or before) to visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Some of these people think that May is their vision problems are just not serious enough to warrant actually going to the eye doctor. Others think that it may save a few dollars by buying low cost reading glasses in their local pharmacy in spending cash neededto get an eye exam and a pair of prescription glasses. While a pair of reading glasses pharmacies can do the trick for a short time, May you be damaging your vision even more in the long run.

better vision without glasses

The first thing to consider if you are experiencing problems with your eyesight, such as blurred vision, headaches, etc. that you absolutely need to seek medical help. You only have one pair of eyes, and it's up to you to keep them healthy. Keeping them healthy sometimes requires getting their vision screened by a professional. Eye exam you will be able to diagnose any medical conditions that simply buying a pair of reading glasses will never be determined. If you're worried about the cost of an eye exam, you May be able to participate in the free eye screening program in your community. Check with your local hospital, senior center or optometrist to see if they know of such programs.

Not only Glasses - Treatment

Some people assume that what they are experiencing problems with your vision can be easily corrected by wearing glasses or reading glasses. This is especially the case with people who are experiencing blurred vision or other eye problems for the first time. Unfortunately, it just is not that simple. There are many factors to consider. One of those factors is the fact that corrective lenses or reading glasses are not the answer or the cure for each vision problem that exists. It's one of the reasons it is so important to have your vision screened by an ophthalmologist. There are several types of eye conditions that require treatment unless corrective lenses. Some of these conditions include:
- Allergies: They cause redness, irritation, itching and excessive tearing. 

- Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
- Blepharitis
- Cataracts
- Retinal detachment
- Strabismus
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage

The only way to ensure that the problems you are experiencing is due to the vision of something more serious is to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist or optometrist and get your vision and eyes checked thoroughly.

No two eyes are exactly the same

Ok, that's not entirely true, but almost. Another important reason for getting a custom prescription eyeglasses makes more sense than getting a pair of reading glasses at a pharmacy eyes of most people have varying degrees of sight in each eye. It's actually quite rare that both eyes are equally prescient (or close sighted for that matter). Your ophthalmologist or optometrist will be able to measure exactly what the lens power is needed for each of your eyes. Most reading glasses found in pharmacies contain lenses of appropriate power. Therefore, the only eye care professional will be able to prescribe a customized corrective lenses that are just for you. In the rare case that both eyes require the same power lenses, your doctor can tell you what the power of reading glasses are best for you. Again, while you can save a few dollars this way, the best accuracy can be achieved only by the adjusted prescription glasses. So while no two eyes are quite the same, you only have one pair. So take care of them!

Looking for designer eyeglasses and frames online? Then check Clearly Contacts for the widest choice available.

fat loss factor - Paradox mechanism melting fat

I am not a scientist! Information in this article are not the product of a specific scientific study on the subject of fat-burning mechanism. I am a fitness trainer who trains every day dozens of people to improve their appearance, health and fitness, but also a coach who is working on their professional development (reading books and professional articles, reviewing professional DVDs, attending seminars, and maintaining their own lectures) . And all of this with one simple goal: How can I better understand the processes that occur in the body under the influence of training and nutrition.
Although I've made the effort to put forward here information is maximally reliable (and personally at this point I firmly believe in them - otherwise they would not or was), no one can say that the smartest guy in the world and it has all the answers - and neither do I. ! Therefore, you are expected to "assign your mental gears" and you can decide whether you make the quality of the information presented and based on common sense. If so - great! Apply them and expect good results. If not - then that's great! Proceed further in their beliefs and no one will get mad at you ... :)

What is the mechanism of melting fat?
In short, it is a theory that the best body fat burning during prolonged moderate-intensity activity. Specifically, we're talking about activities (running, cycling, etc.) that take place at 120-150 heart beats / minute, for 30 minutes or more. Why 30 minutes or more? Because the mechanism of melting fat (according to theory) - does not include the border than before and just after her!

However, despite the millions of people around the world to this day believe in this theory and practice on it, I will openly say that I disagree with it and I think that - totally wrong! And here's why ...

Following the latest findings in the field of exercise physiology, we come to the incredible information that says that the activity of low intensity, the greater proportion of melted fat. What is the activity of higher intensity, the proportion of melted fat free! Paradoxically, right? (Otherwise, of this I have already spoken briefly in one of my earlier articles ).

However, when you think about it, really. Specifically, when you're sitting at home and watching TV (very low intensity activity), the requirement for delivering energy to your muscles and organs is very small - so the body can supply the necessary energy from fat. This process is going pretty slowly, but since just sit and do nothing body will have plenty of time to degrade fat and turn it into energy. In other words, you are the best "fat-burning zone." The only problem is what to do with such activities spend miserably low in calories, which I believe is clear to everyone ...

On the other hand, when you are for example on the track and run 400 or 800 meters in the strongest pace, the demand for the supply of energy to your muscles and organs is - very much! That is why, the body will not opt ​​for supplying energy from fat (because the process is simply too slow) but will supply energy from carbohydrates, which is much faster and easier. (In some ways, it's like you're very thirsty and you have two options: to drink water that is at 10 m distance, or water that is on the 1,000 m distance. Course you opt for this, which you quicker and more readily available ) In this situation, the body is not even close to "fat-burning zone", but why spend an enormous amount of calories in a given time.

Forget the calories and fat!
The problem that is regularly repeated is that people are focused on the total number of calories you will spend on the training, and that a greater proportion of those calories come from fat, and constantly trying to train in the "fat-burning zone." And I tell you plainly: Do not worry about the fat-burning zone because it does not matter how many calories you spend on training, much less how many of them come from fat! I know this seems contrary to everything you've ever heard or read, but they really are! And to get to know, I'll give you a clear, mathematical proof:

Imagine a person who is focused on the total number of calories burned, so she decided to run 60 minutes in the fat-burning zone (that is the aforementioned range of 120-150 heart beats / minute). In those 60 minutes people spent as 500 calories, of which 50% came from fat (mean 250 kcal). Because a person is not trained intensely enough - did not produce any metabolic stimuli ( which is very important )! Therefore, the remaining 23h a day will spend basal metabolism eg 100 kcal / hour, of which 75% will come from fat. When all of this calculation is as follows: 23h x 100 kcal = 2300 calories x 0.75 = 1725 calories from fat. We add to those from 250 odrađenog training and get that person in an entire day (24 hours) spent a total of 2800 kcal, of which 1975 were from fat (about 70%).

On the other hand, imagine a person B who is not focused on the total number of calories burned than on quality, functional training. This person will do 60 minutes of combined training, which will include intensive circuit training with weights (practicing whole body) + shorter but more intense cardio workout. The combination of the people will spend (at least) are also 500 calories, of which 25% will come from fat (mean 125 kcal or less than twice the person A). But since the high intensity training, person B has produced sufficient metabolic stimuli ( which is a key figure in this story ), so that the remaining 23h a day basal metabolism spend 150 kcal / hour (of which 75% will come from fat). When all of this calculation is as follows: 23h x 150 kcal = 3450 calories x 0.75 = 2587 calories from fat. We add those 125 from odrađenog training and get that person in an entire day (24 hours) spent a total of 3950 kcal, of which 2712 were from fat (also about 70%).

Therefore, we have two people who are trained as long (60 minutes), and who spent the same amount of calories in the training (500), but with the final result (after 24 hours of the day) - drastically different (3,950 kcal compared to 2800 kcal - 1150 kcal or difference)! And all this despite the fact that person A spent more calories from fat than person B in the course of the training!

However, the overall quality spell-body workout, which produces sufficient metabolic stimulus that is just beginning! Specifically, the difference between person A and person B is 737 kcal from fat - in just one day! Now multiply it with eg 3 months (90 days) and get an enormous difference from - 66 330 kcal! Do you know what a difference in kilograms? Full 7 pounds directly from fat! (7.37 kg to be exact)

Yes, you read correctly. Person B is in the same time period (90 days), with the same amount of training (60 minutes) spent 7 pounds more fat than a person! And all without having to even bother mechanism melting fat, the number of calories burned, fat calories burned, etc. in what I call "fat-burning zone"!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - Prenatal Vitamin Side Effects

Rapid loss of hearing is a hearing loss. There is a sudden decrease or loss of hearing in one or both ears. Sudden hearing loss is a type of hearing loss at home. It can be ringing in the ears, such as tinnitus or static electricity in the ears and / or dizziness in the time or 12 hours accompanied announced prior to the onset of hearing loss. This condition is medical as an emergency.

 It can result from dysfunction of the middle ear or tinnitus miracle treatment. It is mentioned that the sudden loss of conductive hearing loss. Hearing loss can also be due to a malfunction of the inner ear or nerves. This condition is called sudden deafness.

There are several possible causes of sudden hearing loss. Possible causes include

• Trauma, such as head injury

• Some infectious diseases

• The immunological diseases such as Cogan's syndrome

• abnormal tissue growth

• The toxic causes, such as snake bites

• circulation problems in the inner ear due to blocked arteries

• The ototoxic medications

• The neurological causes, such as multiple sclerosis

• The sudden changes in pressure in the ear during diving and air travel

• previous ear surgery

• Unusual physical exertion or stress

• a fresh infection of the upper respiratory tract

• The Certain medications, such as the contraceptive pill

• Smoking

• Acoustic trauma (sudden or prolonged exposure to noise)

truth about cellulite - Formation of Cellulite Explained

Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not limited to obese people. Even slim people can suffer. Lose Cellulite is more difficult than losing fat. Cellulite is a swelling of the fat cells, which appear as bumps on the body, what the so-called orange peel or orange peel, orange because the affected area of ​​skin as cellulite. In the following sections, we will discover the exact nature of cellulite and how it is formed. Once this is clear, it will be easier to understand how to get rid of it.

The skin consists of several different layers, called "dermis". The fat cells under the skin, with a layer called "partitions", which is linked fibrous in nature. This layer forms a wall between the fat cells, and the skin. But if this layer extend down the fat cells, do it directly on the skin, so there. No layer between beaks For this reason, the skin pits and valleys developed as an orange peel or cottage cheese or dimpled appearance. Although the appearance of cellulite is different in men and women, the difference is not very important.

The causes of cellulite are for men and women. In women, hormonal changes during menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, etc., blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and fat are to be adjusted, primarily responsible for the formation of cellulite. Birth control pills can cause hormonal changes in a woman's body, which can also lead to its formation. Hormones, in part responsible for the thickness of the tissue and fat accumulation. When the hormone balance in the body is inclined, it can be the thickness of the fabric, whereby the cellulite. Visible on the skin

In addition to hormones, genetic, lifestyle, race, sex and age of the individual influence the formation of cellulite. As we age, the tissue layers tend to lose thickness causes a wrinkled appearance. This is because fat and lymph nodes decreased in size, while the cellulite is still housed in cells. And now, since there is no cushion of cellulite is important. While regular exercise is not guaranteed that you will not suffer, but it will certainly reduce, if you delay and its origin. It follows that exercise and a healthy diet are absolutely necessary in the fight against cellulite. A sedentary lifestyle, although it may or may not be a cause, can certainly speed up the formation of cellulite.

As cellulite formed?
So how cellulite forms? Let's take a look at his training. Is this the same as fat? If not, what is the difference between the two?

When we left the solid waste management system for our homes, we have integrated into our bodies as well. The lymphatic system is circular. This system performs many important functions and is essential. One key feature of this system is to keep waste to accumulate in our cells. The circulatory system is responsible for flushing waste in our cells, keeping them clean and help them breathe. When the flow of the system is impaired or hindered the cells are not cleaned properly and waste accumulate in them, causing them to bulge. Sun cellulite is formed. That brings us to the conclusion that the cellulite in the body is not the same as fat. And that the formation of cellulite can be attributed to an obstacle to the smooth functioning of the lymphatic system.

The skin consists of several layers. The three main layers of the skin are: hypo-dermis, epidermis and dermis. Hypo-dermis is the layer where cellulite is formed. Fat cells swell due to accumulation of water and hinders the functioning of the lymphatic system. For this reason, the excess liquid is not drained by the lymphatic circulation, whereby cells swell and take up more space. Consequently, they must close tightly together, because there is not enough space for them to be comfortable after swelling. They are closely related by collagen fibers. This impedes the drainage of excess fluid and waste of cells. Formation of cellulite These swollen cells and press against the dermis and epidermis, which are relatively thin and on the skin. Visible from the outside

The layer of fat men and women in the rooms. In humans, they are arranged in diagonal compact. In women these rooms have an oval shape and are arranged a little more relaxed than men. This means that it gain more space for the fat in the cells of women than men, making women more susceptible to cellulite. The main difference between fat and cellulite is that the fat through exercise or fasting can be burned, while cellulite can not be burned.

Dealing with Cellulite
If you have cellulite and embarrassed about your body, here's some news for you. Many celebrities have also! Britney Spears, Pamela Anderson, Mischa Barton, Hilary Swank, Teri Hatcher, each of them have. Recently Britney Spears showed her virgin images that clearly show her cellulite. This is the way to go girl! Women see photo shopped images of stars and their expectations about their own bodies to be raised far beyond reasonable limits. Many people think that these photos are real, and they would actually look like their favorite stars, this is not the case! While women are more prone to cellulite than men, this does not mean that men do not suffer from cellulite. You do. Men with androgen deficiency are more prone to cellulite than others. Apparently Tom Cruise (the idol of god knows how), as it is. There is the most beautiful and most are not spared!

There is no shame about cellulite as long as you are willing to do something to reduce because it is an indication that there is something wrong with your body. There are exercises to reduce cellulite, home remedies and other treatments. Dry skin brushing is a technique that has a high success rate. Choose a healthy way to get rid of cellulite, which has accumulated in the cells. One important thing to remember is that more is lean not to reduce the solution or even to avoid the accumulation of cellulite in the body, not only to walk into the gym and work until you drop, or are barely visible. Take the warning for what it is, and instead of layers of clothing, exercise, a healthy diet and lifestyle to follow fix to combat and reduce cellulite.

diet solution program - Medical diet

The secret of a good diet is that it allows the body to spend more calories than you take food unosi.Naziv Medical Diet derives from the fact that the first began to apply to hospitals for heart patients who have had to cut težinu.Medicinska diet allows you to lose up to six pounds in seven days and two fifty pounds for fourteen dana.Dok takes medical diet of liquids is best taken only water and avoid sweetened juices and carbonated drinks.

medical diet Breakfast: For breakfast every day, you can eat a piece of bread (preferably ražanog) and fruit (one piece), orange, apple, pear, banana, you can drink tea or coffee without šećara.Alkohol there must be consumed during a medical diet . medical diet lunch. medical diet first day A piece of bread, one boiled egg, 

one sour cream, one orange (orange and you can eat as a snack before lunch) Day, Orange, slice of bread, boiled egg, one sour cream. third Day Two cooked eggs and a tomato or apple Fourth Day two eggs and bananas Day five piece of bread and one hundred and fifty grams of roasted or boiled white chicken meat. Sixth Day piece of bread and two hundred grams of cooked or baked fish. Seventh day a piece of bread,

boiled egg and a cup of sour milk or fruit salad with seasonal fruit Medical Diet dinner. medical diet one day one cookie or cracker, two tomatoes and one boiled egg Day, One Burger (150 grams) of young beef or fish meat, one biscuit, toast or crackers MARKET Day One tomato, hundred grams of low-fat cheese, a piece of bread or four plasma biscuits. Fourth Day Two banana cup of skim milk.

fifth day of an apple, a cup of skim milk. Sixth Day of beef soup (with 200 to 300 grams of meat), two tomatoes, a piece of bread. Day seventh Five hundred grams of cooked vegetables, one of frankfurters, one tomato. If you do not suffer from any serious medical illness diet seven days while you carry yourself when it comes to medical diet najbojim fourteen days to consult with their physician. When finished medical diet does not need rapidly increase food intake in the next few dana.Da to that weight has to be reached through other medical diet needs to worry about nutrition and posle.Puno fruits and vegetables a bit of bread and potato pasta, just meat, low fat fish, beef, chicken breast . medical diet There variant where the five-day menu is repeated 2 or 3 times some have called citrus diet.

anabolic cooking - Testosterone Booster Reviews

Testosterone is a hormone from the androgen group of hormones. The steroid hormone is actually a male hormone secreted by the testes in males. The anabolic steroid is responsible for the development of reproductive tissues, the properties of secondary sexual characteristics and the formation of prostate cancer in men. It is also found in women's bodies, responsible for developing secondary sexual characteristics of the characters. Testosterone is secreted by the ovaries of women. Scientific studies have shown that an adult male produces ten times more testosterone than a female. The ranges of testosterone in males and females are very broad. This is because it is the biological point of view, the maintenance of normal testosterone levels are extremely important for the proper functioning of the body. In this paper, we are specifically for women with testosterone levels.

The amount of testosterone in women depends on body weight, body size and internal health. Age plays an important role in determining the amount of testosterone produced. Normal growth of facial hair, deep voice, development of secondary sex organs, depending on hair growth on the normal testosterone levels. If this hormone is secreted in much inappropriate, then it is bound to show negative effects. Testosterone production during puberty is the highest. Prepubertal girls were under 30 ng / dl of testosterone while the amount is a maximum during puberty. There is a significant increase in testosterone levels in early puberty. The average amount of testosterone at the age of 15 years is 40 or 50 ng / dl, while the age of 20, it is ng / dl about 70. There is a gradual decline in hormone levels at menopause. Sufficient amount of testosterone in a woman's body not to the formation of additional muscle mass contribute.

High levels

High levels of testosterone in women led to the development of male characters. This happens when the mirror through the normal limit. It leads to the reversal of female characters. This leads to the formation of rough skin, excessive growth of facial hair, limbs, hands and chest. In extreme circumstances, the beard and unruly hair women all over my body grow. Gain muscle mass gives a male builds the most visible effects of high testosterone in women. It can also cause severe hair loss, baldness, and changes in tone of voice. High levels of testosterone is also responsible for the aggressive behavior of women. Women who suffer from health problems encountered in the level of testosterone as a side effect. These diseases include Cushing's disease, ovarian cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, dwarfism, and Conn's syndrome. Apart from these diseases, there are certain other conditions that may increase testosterone levels in women. These health problems are a malfunction of the adrenal gland, thyroid disease, acromegaly, adrenal hyperplasia, endocrine tumors and diabetes. Excessive consumption of supplements of steroids causes an increase in testosterone levels. A sudden increase in testosterone can strike at any age. However, the 30 peak hours to observe these changes.


Women may benefit from low testosterone and suffer. Symptoms of low testosterone in women are obviously in the form of fatigue, depression, lack of sexual desire, gain fat, dryness in the vagina are missing, orgasm, hot flashes and pain during intercourse. Women should also understand the difficulties, if the low testosterone in the body. The real reason behind this is one sharp declines after menopause. Excessive intake of contraceptive pills is also one of the main reasons for sudden drop in testosterone levels in many women. Other diseases associated with blood pressure, damage to the pituitary gland, meningitis, syphilis, morbid obesity, diabetes and ovarian cancer. Women have testosterone deficiency are often suggested to undergo external testosterone supplements. Testosterone therapy for women has different methods. It could be in the form of pills, injections are gels or creams or pellets added. The treatment is extremely sensitive and is performed under close supervision by physicians.

You must pass a hormonal control, if you make difficulties in performing their daily activities or changes in your behavior and mood of sexual desire. It is recommended just to be on the safe side.

3 days to permanent bacterial vaginosis relief - Soy Protein vs. Whey Protein

Proteins are an important part of our daily diet. This is a fundamental building block of tissues and helps muscles grow. The amino acid protein for the development of the body. Athletes, bodybuilders and athletes generally prefer high protein for building muscle. Our body needs a limited amount of protein and excessive intake of it can be harmful.

It is mainly present in cow's milk, and is obtained from the cheese. Yogurt or cottage cheese by adding a substance slightly acid (vinegar or lemon juice) or other laboratory-agent for milk. The liquid portion of yogurt is called whey. Even Quark is cooked or stored in heaps, and which is then cut into pieces to obtain whey.

PDCAAS (digestibility corrected amino acid score) is a reference to measure the effectiveness of a particular protein. It has the highest rank PDCAAS (score of 1.14), all known proteins. It also has the highest biological value. BV (biological value) is an alternative benchmark to assess the nutritional value of proteins. Whey proteins in turn the table, with a score of 104 leaves, and all other sources of protein such as eggs (100), wheat protein (54), peanuts (68) and soy protein (74). They are a very important part of food, regular food and other foods packaged foods. Because they have a neutral flavor, they are simply added to or blended with other foods.

Health benefits of whey protein
You (surcharge) to help bodybuilders increase their muscle strength. Its inclusion in the right amounts can be beneficial in maintaining good health. In addition to being effective trainers truck, it is also for weight loss and improve digestion useful. It also strengthens the immune system and improves the general vitality of the body.

Soy protein
Soy is the only natural source of soy protein. Scientists and nutritionists have concluded the investigation into the benefits of soy protein. You are a blessing for vegetarians, because they are an alternative to animal protein. As I mentioned earlier, the BV of soy protein-74 during this whey protein is 104, or soy protein are good for us.

Health benefits of soy protein
According to research, dairy soy are very useful for pregnant women. Dairy soy contain vitamin D, it is useful for people with limited sun exposure or those who are allergic to the sun, is more than 90% of vitamin D obtained from sunlight.

Cholesterol levels were lower than in people who are soy in their diet. Other heart problems were also reported to lie under the control of it. Cancer, obesity and diabetes can be controlled much of soy protein.

Soy proteins are particularly effective in women with hormonal imbalances, and help post-menopausal problems. Infants and children should be encouraged to eat soybeans as they help in the growth phase of the body. Vitamin B12, an ingredient of animal protein is found in abundance in soybeans so it is the best natural option for vegetarians.

The debate on the effectiveness of soy protein and whey would never end. We saw in the preceding paragraphs, that both are equally beneficial to our health. The choice is up to us on their reception in our diet. In accordance with our needs and requirements, we can include both in our diet.

This is to avoid excessive consumption of these proteins because they can lead to constipation in many people. Investigations are conducted, led to the discovery of other advantages of these proteins. So if you have not received soy protein or whey in your diet, but it is the right time to start it and healthy.

acne no more - Food that causes acne

One of the most irritating skin problems are almost all meetings of the acne. This can happen mainly on teenage years on either male or female. However, it can still occur after the teen years, so most of us in order to heal our acnes in a simple and fast way. One way of achieving this acne free life through careful what food you take.

Accuratecause of acne is still unknown until now, but there are certain factors that drives found to cause acne breakouts. Therefore, it is very helpful to be knowledgeable of the foods you should learn to consume a minimal amount or avoid them at all. While diet does not cause acne, it's good to know that poor diet is one that can help in the development of acne and unhealthy skin too.

It should be borne in mind that foods that trigger one's acne is the same food that causes acne others. So, it is advisable to watch or take note of the foods that cause acne appearance. However, there are certain foods that trigger acne probably listed below.

Fried foods and oils are usually greasy and unhealthy for the skin. It does not indicate that the product increases the oil in our skin, however, they can cause unhealthy skin becomes more prone to developing acne. Foods high in fat, and one type of food that should be avoided.

Soft drinks and coffee are too unhealthy for the skin. Instead of consuming drinks high in sugar and caffeine, you need to consume a sufficient amount of water. Hydrating with water daily can help your body to function at its best, plus it helps in removing toxic wastes in the body. In doing so, it can prevent the production of acne-prone skin.

Ice cream and chocolate are foods that are unhealthy, not only the skin but also on your weight. Again, these foods are high in sugar, which can cause or even worsen your acne problems. Thus, these foods should be the minimum amount or none at all.

Foods are listed among some foods that you should watch our or avoided as they can cause acne breakouts. There are still other things that you should do in order to achieve a healthy and acne free skin as exercise and hygiene measures.

If you are interested in more information about acne treatments, then be sure to visit our website. We provide honest ratings, reviews, and comparisons on the top acne treatments, including natural acne diet and much more.

yeast infection no more - yeast infection vs. fungus infection

Yeast infections are a common problem for women. Homeopathic (physical) Therapy can provide you with relief yeast infection itching and soothe and relieve the discomfort caused by infection and help the body fight infection without the use of prescription drugs that can harm your body.
A yeast infection, also known as Candidiasis, is a fungal infections (fungus that has penetrated resistance barriers) may be either oral, vaginal, or even can be spread through the nervous system.These infections are often caused microorganism Candida albicans. This type of yeast is always present in the body but may change if your body environment changes due to an acid or alkaline imbalances, poor diet, drug abuse, hormonal changes or threatened immune function.
Natural homeopathic is great to give relief from yeast infection no more free download itchy and burning. There are many symptoms associated with yeast infections, and the symptoms you have will dictate how you treat the infection naturally.

A bit of a tip - if a vaginal Candida infection lasts a week or more (or repeated often), has deter smelly discharge, or is accompanied by fever and other symptoms of illness, it is always best to seek medical advice. The infection may be an indication of something more involved than a simple yeast infection, such as an STD.
Some of the best known natural relief remedies for yeast infection itching, burning and redness include: Borax, Kali Bichromicum, Kreosotum, Calcarea cabonica, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sepia and sulfur. Each has the same effect, at the end, but depending on your symptoms, one solution may be a better fit than another.
What are the symptoms? Well, the symptoms depend on the actual area in which the infection occurs. The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection is a thin white watery discharge (sometimes yellowish) combined with an itchy burning sensation.
If the infection is in your mouth, extras | brands you may have a thick white substance on top of the extended red skin in the mouth - almost like wet flour resting on the back of your tongue and mouth.It's not as annoying as a vaginal infection, but be careful because bleeding can occur if you scrap on the white part.
If you want to use a natural remedy for relief from your itchy, you either do your own research on a long-term remedy that best suits your symptoms or seek professional guidance from a naturopath.
Most homeopathic practitioners to treat candida infections naturally suggest you take a dose of remedy while waiting for a response. If signs of improvement are visible, continue to wait and let the homeopathic therapy take its course. If improvement decreases significantly or stopped, taking a second dose. The frequency of therapy may be different depending on the condition and how you respond to it really. Sometimes a dose may be required a handful of times within an hour in extreme cases. For the most part, administration be as little as once or twice a day. It may be best to talk to your doctor if you are unsure how often to administer the dosage.
Finally, if you do not get any relief from the itching within a few days, consult your doctor again to see if another path should be taken.

customized fat loss - The Best Fat Loss Workout Program

It's almost summer again, and everyone knows what that means: It means that once again it's time to hit the beach. Of course, the sand and the sea, one of the main reasons why people want to go to the beach to show her hot body beach. Who can resist a man who can show their weapons in public, do not you? Any warm-blooded woman looking for a good time, or perhaps a romantic adventure that will be looking for the first call and is always, always will be visually.

customized fat loss review, as someone who is not a beautiful body or figure competition with others? Well, it's really a hopeless cause, unless something radical. However, the winter months and the food has a huge impact on the size of the body to the target. When this happens, it might be a good idea for you to think about it, to do something to start. Something like finding a fat loss workout program that works.

It's not really that hard to find, when you think about fat loss workout. Fast query using one of the popular search engines on the Internet is you. Many results, you can dial Of course, as a warning to know that there are programs for people who progressed further than you are made, at least on the front fat loss workout. As a general rule, never try a program that you know you can not do for some reason, to "either because you do not have the skills to do it, or you do not understand, the program settings for time.

Therefore, it is choice. You need the best program for fat loss workout there to choose from a large number of available. . Make the right choice and there will be nothing for you to fear Choose wrong and you could end up with some complications, such as the hospital because of a muscle strain or overworked, or worse. Well, here are some things you should know:

A. Choose a fat loss program that suits your level of training. What does this mean? Well, really easy. Do not take a program that calls the exercises that you have never heard or seen really hard to do in the pictures. People who have received appropriate training, could be complicated before, the only people who are supposed to. As they say, keep it short and simple. Not make life harder for you. If you're a fat loss workout program that is suitable for you, you will be fine.

Second Discover the diet plans and workout plans complete fat loss. Normally, a program will come with diets and supplements, you should note that, to ensure that it works. This is something you need to take a doctor, especially one who knows your personal medical history. This does not seem important to you right now, but there are people who are allergic to certain ingredients in food supplements and you could be one of them. If you do not take the time to ensure that you know if you are safe or not, you could end up with a situation where you have a big problem in the future. Better to find out now, get in trouble for something if you swallow.

Third Questions you have tried friends, the various programs. Chances are, you're not the only person in your circle of friends to get to that body was kind they want. When you work no idea what programs or not, better ask them about their experiences with different programs. You will find that their advice will really help you to choose the best among many.

4th Read Fat Loss Workout opinion. Personal opinions of your friends are very important, but they could not tell the whole picture Fat Loss Workout. If you are really sold on the product that you are talking about the advantages and minimize the disadvantages, or do the same in reverse when you really feel that the product that you have not played true This is where the critics start professionally done for Fat Loss Workout in. These pieces are truly neutral in nature ", they give you the information and all the important features you need. These reviews will make the decision process a little easier, because you a really cool picture of all the pros and cons will be able to see Fat Loss Workout product.

The power of personal preference for Fat Loss Workout

So if you have done all this, it should not be so difficult to choose the right workout program for fat loss, right? Once you've done all your homework and checked all the facts, the decision is clear as day. However, there is something that was not here for Fat Loss Workout "discusses the power of the personal preference of the consumer.

jump manual - Survival Guide for jumps with a kite


Jumping the kite often rated as one of the most extreme forms of vigorous kiting. They are often condemned and many claim "Never jump." But then it would be missing the most powerful and unique form of separation. The truth is that if you know what you're doing and jump in the right conditions, then you will not be cleaning. (I never got a serious injury by jumping against a variety of injuries in the so-called "safer" kite bagginge). By all accounts, flying in the air essentially dangerous and potentially heavy cleaning, but you can minimize this possibility, so you have to live to see tomorrow.

First, make sure that your equipment is in good condition. (I mean, kite, lines and handles). You do not want to get something snapped in mid-flight. Pay attention to the location of log lines in the handle - it can happen grinding, which you can ignore. It is recommended to establish strong lines. Suitable sling 140 kg while they are in good condition, but the lines on the 230 kg safer.

It is important to find a soft surface for jump manual exercises. The safest surface - deep water, but it's hard to find where to jump to the lee side of it was about. The following is a great place - the soft sand. Hard sand and grass is not the best choice, and if you jump on them, you're crazy and broken - a question of time.

Wind is also important. We're not talking about the power, but only the presence of impulses. Ideal - wind gusts without a constant force, such a wind gives a predictable flight with a soft landing. Any impulses painful to work with the kite when you're on the ground, but more importantly, what will bring unpredictable ups, flying and landing. Gust, landing will be what you want, from mild (rarely) to fall (faster than the force of gravity, I swear.) On that recommend avoiding jumping in gusty wind conditions or in areas of the rotor.


It is always good. Some ankle support - priority (shoes or elastic bandage), the helmet is also quite important. Will be useful elbow pads, knee pads and other protection against shocks.

Types of jumps

There are three main methods of take-off, two of which can be used to jump out of the pits.

1. Sweep
This method can be used when driving or when jumping out of the pits. With such a jump is necessary to place the kite to the left or right edge of the window (of your choice) at half way up.

When ready, turn the kite so it was flying parallel to the ground and as soon as the window reaches the center, turn it up at 90 degrees, so that it flew straight up in the center of the window. You'll have to fight against the pull of the kite as soon as the movement you do not let the kite to lift you up and forward. During the flight, a DC holding the tension on both straps and relax for a touchdown! You must learn to land gracefully on his feet, eat ahead to get 10 points for a touchdown, but depending on the speed of landing speeds and perform rotations you can complete the jump, stretched out on the ground. Control the magnitude of jumps by selecting the depth relative to the center window during the beginning of movement kite up. Start with a deep bottom position = big jump, high jump = small.

2. Down - up

If you did not get to perform jumps by the "swing" at the appropriate level, then you can use the method of "down-up" as it is much easier and allows for stylish jumps due to the fact that you are flying well ahead, but this technique, you not be able to do the rotation and shaking legs. This method can only be used with four stropnymi kites as moving and out of the pit. Such a jump start by putting on a kite, and then lower it down to half the height of the window. Then pump up his so that he flew forward (well up). Fight against him at some point, and then let the kite bear you up and down. Flight and landing, as in the method of "swing." The value of the jump is controlled by the depth of the dive the kite in the window. Deeper down = big jump.

3. Turn
This technique takes a turn to the side, this is not such a leap can be made of the well. Start by putting on a kite. Turn it 90 degrees to the left or to the right (at its option) and forced him to fly parallel to the ground in the same direction at the height of 3/4 windows. Start to go in the same direction. You have to go across the wind. When you want to get off the ground, turn the kite so that it flew up and slightly behind you. Kuyt should tear you away from the earth, and you have to turn around under it. Landing will be slightly more difficult you should turn back. Departures are not as high as in the previous method, but funny when you're full of energy. Also, perhaps the most demanding of technical execution jump. As in the two previous methods, the value of the jump is controlled by the depth of the dive the kite out of the window before you leap.


Construction of wells - a very important matter for serious jumping. Pay no attention to the laughter of spectators, who see you happily delving into the sand as a child on holiday. They soon will worship you when you start to fly through the air like a god. The purpose of the pits - to provide support legs to fight when you tighten the kite to create enormous tension in the straps. When you decide to start, you will fly as from a catapult.

Alternatively, you can instead use fixed objects (dunes, logs, etc.), but the pit - the best. First, select the proper location of the pit. Landing area to the wind should be in soft sand. If you are lucky, the wind will blow along the beach, this you will have a very long strip of soft sand for a touchdown. If the wind is blowing across the beach, then you will have only a narrow strip, in which you'll have to land, the choice of location for this hole is critical. For digging holes you need a shovel or scoop. The size of the hole depends on the time you want to spend on digging. But the royal pit generally round and 180 cm in diameter. An important point - where you put your feet. They should stand upright and at a depth of 45 cm. If you are using the method of "swing" to jump, then you have to stand across the kite to fight against him, when he's on the edge of the box or it will pull you out of the pit. Tension recess in the middle of the pit, you can go back to it to get the maximum effect. Excavated sand can fill the front. Boca vertical wells to maintain, because the jump they will crumble. The advantage of circular pit is that when you change the wind direction you simply get it on another, and you do not need to do anything to dig.
"... And as soon as you tried to fly, you will walk the earth, sending the eye in the sky, where you've been and where you want to go back." Soon.

Recommendations for survival.

1. Do not go it alone.

2. Make sure that the Equip right.

3. Choose a place with a very soft landing surface.

4. Jump only if the wind is never constant and jump in the fields with the rotor.

5. Use ankle support, a helmet and a maximum amount of protection body.

6. Gradually increase the size of the jump, to warm up and see the wind, before proceeding with major jumps.

7. Never let go of the kite when you're in the air. If you think you soared higher than would be too late.

8. Pray!


Across the wind - the course or direction perpendicular to the wind direction. Ed in this direction before making the jump by the "lamp."

Lee - the term used to describe the area or direction in which the wind blows.

Jump up and down - Kite goes down the center of the window, then goes straight up. Compatible with jumps of the wells.

Impetuosity - a technical term that describes the wind that suddenly temporarily increase his strength. Not only desirable, but also dangerous effect when jumping.

Yama - the area in the sand, dug for games. Jump out of it to make the maximum jump.

Pumping - you quickly pull-up handle to his kite, which has the effect of strong winds on the kite. Helps accelerate the kite.

Rotor - the turbulent wind, caused by obstacles in the way of the wind (hills, buildings, trees, etc.)

Jump scale - kite sent from side windows in the center and then up. Maximum height and is compatible with jumps of the wells.

Jump turn - kite flying parallel to the ground while moving in the same direction, then the kite goes up. Not compatible with jumping out of the pits.

Windward - the term used to describe the area or areas where the wind blows.