Tuesday 11 September 2012

jump manual - Survival Guide for jumps with a kite


Jumping the kite often rated as one of the most extreme forms of vigorous kiting. They are often condemned and many claim "Never jump." But then it would be missing the most powerful and unique form of separation. The truth is that if you know what you're doing and jump in the right conditions, then you will not be cleaning. (I never got a serious injury by jumping against a variety of injuries in the so-called "safer" kite bagginge). By all accounts, flying in the air essentially dangerous and potentially heavy cleaning, but you can minimize this possibility, so you have to live to see tomorrow.

First, make sure that your equipment is in good condition. (I mean, kite, lines and handles). You do not want to get something snapped in mid-flight. Pay attention to the location of log lines in the handle - it can happen grinding, which you can ignore. It is recommended to establish strong lines. Suitable sling 140 kg while they are in good condition, but the lines on the 230 kg safer.

It is important to find a soft surface for jump manual exercises. The safest surface - deep water, but it's hard to find where to jump to the lee side of it was about. The following is a great place - the soft sand. Hard sand and grass is not the best choice, and if you jump on them, you're crazy and broken - a question of time.

Wind is also important. We're not talking about the power, but only the presence of impulses. Ideal - wind gusts without a constant force, such a wind gives a predictable flight with a soft landing. Any impulses painful to work with the kite when you're on the ground, but more importantly, what will bring unpredictable ups, flying and landing. Gust, landing will be what you want, from mild (rarely) to fall (faster than the force of gravity, I swear.) On that recommend avoiding jumping in gusty wind conditions or in areas of the rotor.


It is always good. Some ankle support - priority (shoes or elastic bandage), the helmet is also quite important. Will be useful elbow pads, knee pads and other protection against shocks.

Types of jumps

There are three main methods of take-off, two of which can be used to jump out of the pits.

1. Sweep
This method can be used when driving or when jumping out of the pits. With such a jump is necessary to place the kite to the left or right edge of the window (of your choice) at half way up.

When ready, turn the kite so it was flying parallel to the ground and as soon as the window reaches the center, turn it up at 90 degrees, so that it flew straight up in the center of the window. You'll have to fight against the pull of the kite as soon as the movement you do not let the kite to lift you up and forward. During the flight, a DC holding the tension on both straps and relax for a touchdown! You must learn to land gracefully on his feet, eat ahead to get 10 points for a touchdown, but depending on the speed of landing speeds and perform rotations you can complete the jump, stretched out on the ground. Control the magnitude of jumps by selecting the depth relative to the center window during the beginning of movement kite up. Start with a deep bottom position = big jump, high jump = small.

2. Down - up

If you did not get to perform jumps by the "swing" at the appropriate level, then you can use the method of "down-up" as it is much easier and allows for stylish jumps due to the fact that you are flying well ahead, but this technique, you not be able to do the rotation and shaking legs. This method can only be used with four stropnymi kites as moving and out of the pit. Such a jump start by putting on a kite, and then lower it down to half the height of the window. Then pump up his so that he flew forward (well up). Fight against him at some point, and then let the kite bear you up and down. Flight and landing, as in the method of "swing." The value of the jump is controlled by the depth of the dive the kite in the window. Deeper down = big jump.

3. Turn
This technique takes a turn to the side, this is not such a leap can be made of the well. Start by putting on a kite. Turn it 90 degrees to the left or to the right (at its option) and forced him to fly parallel to the ground in the same direction at the height of 3/4 windows. Start to go in the same direction. You have to go across the wind. When you want to get off the ground, turn the kite so that it flew up and slightly behind you. Kuyt should tear you away from the earth, and you have to turn around under it. Landing will be slightly more difficult you should turn back. Departures are not as high as in the previous method, but funny when you're full of energy. Also, perhaps the most demanding of technical execution jump. As in the two previous methods, the value of the jump is controlled by the depth of the dive the kite out of the window before you leap.


Construction of wells - a very important matter for serious jumping. Pay no attention to the laughter of spectators, who see you happily delving into the sand as a child on holiday. They soon will worship you when you start to fly through the air like a god. The purpose of the pits - to provide support legs to fight when you tighten the kite to create enormous tension in the straps. When you decide to start, you will fly as from a catapult.

Alternatively, you can instead use fixed objects (dunes, logs, etc.), but the pit - the best. First, select the proper location of the pit. Landing area to the wind should be in soft sand. If you are lucky, the wind will blow along the beach, this you will have a very long strip of soft sand for a touchdown. If the wind is blowing across the beach, then you will have only a narrow strip, in which you'll have to land, the choice of location for this hole is critical. For digging holes you need a shovel or scoop. The size of the hole depends on the time you want to spend on digging. But the royal pit generally round and 180 cm in diameter. An important point - where you put your feet. They should stand upright and at a depth of 45 cm. If you are using the method of "swing" to jump, then you have to stand across the kite to fight against him, when he's on the edge of the box or it will pull you out of the pit. Tension recess in the middle of the pit, you can go back to it to get the maximum effect. Excavated sand can fill the front. Boca vertical wells to maintain, because the jump they will crumble. The advantage of circular pit is that when you change the wind direction you simply get it on another, and you do not need to do anything to dig.
"... And as soon as you tried to fly, you will walk the earth, sending the eye in the sky, where you've been and where you want to go back." Soon.

Recommendations for survival.

1. Do not go it alone.

2. Make sure that the Equip right.

3. Choose a place with a very soft landing surface.

4. Jump only if the wind is never constant and jump in the fields with the rotor.

5. Use ankle support, a helmet and a maximum amount of protection body.

6. Gradually increase the size of the jump, to warm up and see the wind, before proceeding with major jumps.

7. Never let go of the kite when you're in the air. If you think you soared higher than would be too late.

8. Pray!


Across the wind - the course or direction perpendicular to the wind direction. Ed in this direction before making the jump by the "lamp."

Lee - the term used to describe the area or direction in which the wind blows.

Jump up and down - Kite goes down the center of the window, then goes straight up. Compatible with jumps of the wells.

Impetuosity - a technical term that describes the wind that suddenly temporarily increase his strength. Not only desirable, but also dangerous effect when jumping.

Yama - the area in the sand, dug for games. Jump out of it to make the maximum jump.

Pumping - you quickly pull-up handle to his kite, which has the effect of strong winds on the kite. Helps accelerate the kite.

Rotor - the turbulent wind, caused by obstacles in the way of the wind (hills, buildings, trees, etc.)

Jump scale - kite sent from side windows in the center and then up. Maximum height and is compatible with jumps of the wells.

Jump turn - kite flying parallel to the ground while moving in the same direction, then the kite goes up. Not compatible with jumping out of the pits.

Windward - the term used to describe the area or areas where the wind blows.

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