Tuesday 11 September 2012

diet solution program - Medical diet

The secret of a good diet is that it allows the body to spend more calories than you take food unosi.Naziv Medical Diet derives from the fact that the first began to apply to hospitals for heart patients who have had to cut težinu.Medicinska diet allows you to lose up to six pounds in seven days and two fifty pounds for fourteen dana.Dok takes medical diet of liquids is best taken only water and avoid sweetened juices and carbonated drinks.

medical diet Breakfast: For breakfast every day, you can eat a piece of bread (preferably ražanog) and fruit (one piece), orange, apple, pear, banana, you can drink tea or coffee without šećara.Alkohol there must be consumed during a medical diet . medical diet lunch. medical diet first day A piece of bread, one boiled egg, 

one sour cream, one orange (orange and you can eat as a snack before lunch) Day, Orange, slice of bread, boiled egg, one sour cream. third Day Two cooked eggs and a tomato or apple Fourth Day two eggs and bananas Day five piece of bread and one hundred and fifty grams of roasted or boiled white chicken meat. Sixth Day piece of bread and two hundred grams of cooked or baked fish. Seventh day a piece of bread,

boiled egg and a cup of sour milk or fruit salad with seasonal fruit Medical Diet dinner. medical diet one day one cookie or cracker, two tomatoes and one boiled egg Day, One Burger (150 grams) of young beef or fish meat, one biscuit, toast or crackers MARKET Day One tomato, hundred grams of low-fat cheese, a piece of bread or four plasma biscuits. Fourth Day Two banana cup of skim milk.

fifth day of an apple, a cup of skim milk. Sixth Day of beef soup (with 200 to 300 grams of meat), two tomatoes, a piece of bread. Day seventh Five hundred grams of cooked vegetables, one of frankfurters, one tomato. If you do not suffer from any serious medical illness diet seven days while you carry yourself when it comes to medical diet najbojim fourteen days to consult with their physician. When finished medical diet does not need rapidly increase food intake in the next few dana.Da to that weight has to be reached through other medical diet needs to worry about nutrition and posle.Puno fruits and vegetables a bit of bread and potato pasta, just meat, low fat fish, beef, chicken breast . medical diet There variant where the five-day menu is repeated 2 or 3 times some have called citrus diet.

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